Save Chloe Campaign

Save Chloe Campaign

In 2011, we started a Save Chloe campaign selling CNY goodies to raise fund for Chloe’s needs. It was a huge success as we raised over $10,000 every year. The yearly campaign came to an end in 2017 and we are looking forward to having new ideas to support Chloe. Read about the campaign here.

Our Words

Our Words

Chloe celebrated her 5th birthday and it was a milestone that we never dare to dream of. We thank God for protecting her and giving us the chance to continue having her with us. It was  amazing to walking this far with her! We do not know how many 5 years we will have with…

Feeding Challenge

Feeding Challenge

Since 7th month old, Chloe was unable to swallow due to weakening of her skeletal muscles. She was on long term NGT feeding until 2012 where the doctor recommended feeding button for her. It took us awhile to make the painful decision because we were hoping she could manage swallowing within having to get a…